Camera Techniques Jade wallace

How to Reduce Camera Shake

To Reduce camera shake you could use a number of things such as tripods, remotes etc. Using a tripod helps a lot when it comes to camera shake as it can hold the camera steady and can be adjusted to what you need to get a great shot. Although when using a tripod you want one that can actually come in handy, unlike cheap tripods they have some great flaws like being too light that it breaks easy, being made of plastic, not being sturdy enough and sometimes the weight of the camera can cause your photo to come out not straight by it bending the plate. When using a tripod that's a bit more expensive there are benefits as you know with them being heavier and made of steel that you are going to get better quality and less camera shake when taking a photo. Although some students are unable to afford expensive tripods so a cheap tripod for £25 can still do you justice as there for it is still a tripod at the end of the day and will hold your camera up for people that may have shaky hands. Another thing that reduces camera shake is using a remote that you can tune in with your camera, by setting your camera up on a tripod and changing it to remote access you can just stand back and click the remote and the picture will be taken automatically without pressing the shoot button. This method of avoiding camera shake is very good for long exposures.

Built in Camera Flash

Using your built in flash can be frustrating at times but getting the perfect mix of ambient light and pop up flash can make your photo look really lovely and show a profession that you have in the field of using a digital camera. Below I will give some examples on how to use the built in flash in your camera;

  • adjusting the exposure in your camera so the picture isn't too bright or too dark.
  • Making sure you have a lot of light, the sun is your best friend when it comes to using pop up flash and a lot of professionals say that even using pop up flash on a brightly sunny day can make a massive change to your photo.
  • The pop up flash in your camera is small which makes the intensity of the light harsh, you could use a material to diffuse the light or white card.
  • Using slow sync flash by slowing your shutter speed to reduce reflections within statues or objects.
  • Also adjusting the flash exposure on your camera settings
  • Using a tripod and remote so you can take your shutter speed down to reduce shake in the photo and have it more clear so you can get catch light within the eyes.

Continuous Light Techniques

Continuous light is such a beautiful technique and its used a lot to catch the trails of light with traffic, I'm going to tell you how to use this technique and to capture light trails with your camera.

  • Shoot just as the sun is going down so you have the dark blue sky, this is about around 5-6 o'clock.
  • Always use a tripod when it comes to doing continuous light as you will be using a slow exposure of about 30 seconds to 5 seconds depending how much you want to catch.
  • Use a remote when taken the photo to reduce any camera shake, if you have a cheap tripod pressing the button to take the photo can make it completely not focused.
  • Your aperture should be taken up to f/11 or more depending on how much detail you want to capture, it will diffuse light as well within your photo as your aperture isn't wide.
  • Have your ISO at 100 no matter how dark it is, any more than a 100 will over expose your photo.
  • Finally focus on moving light to capture continuous light, have the light pointing towards the lens as well not away from it.

Painting with Light Techniques.

When I walk around town I see painting with light everywhere, its not only in photographs but all around us. I notice it in old brick buildings or high business ones, at night time the spot lights hit their walls making them shine brightly in the dark sky. Below I will give you some techniques on painting with light when it comes to using your camera to take a picture.

  • Painting with light is taking at night time, it can be taken in a pitch black room or just as the sun falls wherever you are, just what you'll need is a torch to light what you want up.
  • Using a tripod will reduce camera shake as you will be using a slow shutter speed to capture more light, usually to about 5-30 seconds.
  • Your aperture will be at f/11 to capture as much detail as you can.
  • Your ISO will be at 100.
  • When taken the photo use a remote to reduce any camera shake when on the tripod.
  • Now that you are set up focus on what you want to take a picture of, you may need to put your camera on LV depending on how dark it is so you can see what you are doing properly.
  • Once the image is set up and ready to be taken make sure that you have a strong powered torch so it will be captured within the photo, have the torch pointed away from the camera and only put on the object so that you get no light trails what so ever in the photo, and finally take the photo and hopefully get the results you want.


A reflector can be used to bounce back light onto someone or an object, it can make shadows or take shadows completely away from something, it can be used to diffuse or flag artificial light, it is a photographers best friend when it comes to taken a photo and most photographers end up using it for mostly every photo they take.

How to use a reflector;

  • Choose what a reflector you will use, what size will it be and what colour;
  • Black - is used as a flag to block light or can be used to subtract light.
  • White - produces an even, neutral-colored bounce light that works beautifully as a fill light source.
  • Silver can increase highlights and yield a high-contrast image. Great for video, product shots, or black and white photography.
  • Gold produces a natural, golden warm fill that is great for sunsets or indoor portraits.
  • Translucent fabric is used to diffuse light, producing a broad light source and a soft effect.
  • Have someone hold the reflector up for you, you could use an assistant or if its taken a photo of a person they may be able to just put the reflector under there chin if you are wanting to block out any shadows, it depends on what light intensity you are wanting.


Created with images by RichardLey - "camera old retro" • ebullient_av - "camera nikon tamron" • Storm's - "Traffic Trails" • xusenru - "metro moscow 2017"

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