
Supporting Pupil Wellbeing Updated 15.03.21

Welcome to this 'Supporting Pupil Wellbeing' resource aimed at young people at Kinross High School. This resource will bring together a number of reminders and new ideas to support your wellbeing. It is split into four sections: Do, Read, Watch and Seek. It will be updated regularly and will be used as part of the induction back into the school building.


  • Re-engage with the routines of your learning at school and remotely. By having a clear return to your in-school routine, this will support your wellbeing.
  • Engage in 'The Mindful Walk'
  • Try Diaphragmatic Breathing (8 week programme)
  • Download an app like 'Smiling Mind', 'Mindshift' or 'All Strong'
  • Listen to a podcast or music
  • Register with Togetherall
  • Use the following NHS resource pack to help you re-engage with in-school return
NHS Scotland Resource

There are very useful tasks within this resource which include:

  • Reflecting on lockdown (page 6)
  • Preparing for going back to school (page 9)
  • Planning and organising (page 13)
  • Sleep tips and keeping a diary (page 16)
  • Naming your feelings (page 20)
  • Positive thinking (page 28)
  • Coping strategies (page 31)
  • Rewarding yourself (page 37)


You may prefer to read and reflect on the following resources to support you in maintaining your wellbeing.

Screenshot from YoungMinds website

Click on the links below:


You may prefer to watch the following videos:

Building Blocks of Wellbeing

Five ways to wellbeing

Headspace - This too will pass

There are so many videos from headspace available free. Search for 'headspace' on YouTube.

Headspace - Showing up for yourself

Daily Calm - Mindfulness

You are not your thoughts

What is mental health?

Anxiety: Tolerating uncertainty

PKC Educational Psychology Service

Fight Flight Freeze

What is resilience?

The Science of Kindness


If you need help, then seek it out. The following resources are a reminder of this support: