Get A Grip Tools to help you master following up

There are infinite numbers of methods for follow-up. You can use a pen and paper, a CRM, or an automation system. The most important factor is having a system -- if this, then that.

When you meet Sally and share a sample of Breathe with her, what happens next? When will you text her - call her - email her? How does she end up on your newsletter? How do you invite her to a class, 1:1 or online presentation?

do you feel like your contacts are scattered like this?

There are three main types of systems for tracking people:

Pen and paper is where most people start with keeping records and following up. The simplest way to do this is to set up a set of master records with a tickler file.

Create a binder or set of notecards with A-Z tabs. Clearly Essential Business and Share Success both have templates you can print off. You'll record things like name, email, phone number, where you met, what samples you gave, etc. Then create a second file with papers at tabs #1-31 and the months of the year OR use a day planner dedicated to follow-up. As you talk to each person, you'll record their name under the date you're supposed to call them back. So if you call Sally and she says that yes, she'd like to get together but right now she doesn't have her day planner, could you call her back on Tuesday the tenth at 2pm, you'd simply record "Call Sally Jones @ 2pm to book meeting" under the #10 tab. Never move the information sheets out of the record book (they'll get lost and you won't find them!

The next major way to keep track of contacts and follow-up is with a CRM. CRM stands for "Customer Relationship Management". It's a simple (or fancy) database. You enter client info in a form, and the software keeps track of everyone. The better systems allow you to categorize and rank people, track interests, and assign tasks with reminders. My favourite CRM is (LACRM for short) but there are dozens of applications that are great. There's even a few free ones out there, like ZoHo. My one recommendation is that you pick something that is accessible on any device (usually through your mobile browser) and that it's accessible through the cloud (not saved to your device). Also look for a company with some longevity.

You can work from anywhere!

Lastly we have automation systems. There are dozens of these, too, and some are specially geared toward Wellness Advocates. Some are inexpensive, some are extremely expensive. Some have all the bells and whistles, some are basic. Some do social media, some do not. After long consideration, I began using one called FIITFU. I create messages or video content, assign people to "funnels", and the system automatically emails them what I've created. So when I meet Sally at the store and give her Breathe, I enter her into FIITFU and enter the sample info. FIITFU tracks the cost of that sample (easy end of year report) and sends Sally an info sheet on Breathe. The next day, it reminds me to call her. Two days later, it sends her an online class. Four days later, it sends her more info. You can have an infinite number of funnels. I'm also using it for oils education and team training!

There's a couple of things to NOT do:

#1 - don't try to use Excel (unless you happen to LOVE spreadsheets and can use them at an expert level). It becomes way too much info to track.

#2 - DO keep a current backup of all your information to Excel, though. Just stash it in cloud storage (iCloud or Google).

#3 - NEVER pay for a CRM or automation system up front (some you pay for but they offer a 30-day guarantee, that's fine). Don't sign up for that trial until you're ready to use it. Put it through its paces. Then, don't pay for the year - do month to month for at least two or three months, to be sure that it's going to work for you.

#4 - Don't jump to the next biggest and brightest shiny new system.

#5 - Rock your system. DO THE WORK. Your system doesn't work unless you do - even automated systems like FIITFU require extensive work to get them up and running and then maintained.

Created By
Kay Sharpe


Created with images by ledana9 - "GRIP!" • Swithun Crowe - "0271" • terimakasih0 - "hands writing diary" • niekverlaan - "tablet ipad read" • uros velickovic - "Amager Strandvej Copenhagen" • croisy - "sea sand coast"

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