Experiences at the Harn Museum By: David FIsher

Medium of The Art and Technique of the Artist

This sculpture that caught my eye was sculpted by Augustin Cardenas in the year 1991. It is entitled "Family" and depicted are two parents overlooking their seated child. The smooth lines and rounded surface flowing together from a single piece of stone represent the family relationship that Cardenas never had. The two parental figures merging together and supporting the child is the type of family Cardenas longed for as a child.

Design of the Museum

I apologize for the poor photography in this picture.
These two images were taken within an exhibit dedicated to music. Because music is an integral part of my life, it pleased me to see it represented by an entire exhibit. It was also intriguing to see how music from a different culture is similar to that which exists here and now.

Art and Core Values

Seen above is an oil on canvas by William Morris Hunt. Painted in 1875, "Florida Landscape" depicts the vibrant hues of sunset in a Floridian swamp while having depth with foreshortened trees and rippled reflections in the water. A value that I hold is to always be in touch with nature and to experience its beauty in any way possible. This exquisite artwork captures that beauty that I spend my time looking for in the natural world.

Art and the Good Life

The final artwork that I photographed was this 1981 gelatin silver print taken by Sebastiao Salgado. Titled "Three Girls Holding Hands" it shows how the youth are being affected in poverty stricken Brazil. Salgado was arrested on multiple occasions for his documenting of social and political issues. Even though these girls are living in poverty and are clearly not living in anything close to ideal conditions for a child, they hold hands in solidarity and friendship to show how they are prepared to help each other and be friends.

More images from the Harn

Created By
David Fisher

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