The Elizabethan Era Maren Coffeen Per 5

"Elizabethan Age, or Elizabethan Era, was a period of English history during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, from 1558 to 1603. The Elizabethan Age is sometimes called the Golden Age, because it was a time of great achievement in England."

The Elizabethan Era was the period of Queen Elizabeth I’s rule and was a time of Great accomplishment for England. It lasted from 1558-1603.

This shows that Elizabeth was a great ruler. She managed to avoid going to war with many countries.

"Elizabeth was born in 1533. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth became queen in 1558."

In 1533, Elizabeth was born. Her parents were King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. 25 years later, in 1558, she became queen.

Although Elizabeth was young when she became queen, she was still a good ruler. When she began her reign, she was only 25 years old.

Elizabeth I

"One of her first acts was to reestablish the Church of England. Initially, she tried to win Catholic support by making the church services more traditional. But after 1580, she began to persecute remaining Catholics as harshly as her sister had persecuted Protestants. While Mary had burned Protestants as heretics, Elizabeth tortured Catholics as traitors."

Reestablishing the church of England was one of the first things Elizabeth did during her reign. She made the church services more traditional in hopes of getting Catholic support. After 1580, she persecuted Catholics by torturing them as traitors.

This shows that Elizabeth did do some harsh things during her rule. She made Catholics change their religion and if they didn't, she would torture them how she tortured traitors.

"Merchants formed a great trading company, the East India Company, in 1600. Clothiers (clothmakers) had organized their expanding industry into the domestic system. By this system, they bought wool from farmers, distributed it to spinners and weavers who worked at home, and then sold or exported the finished cloth. The clothiers offered good prices for wool, and sheep farming became profitable."

Merchants formed a trading company called the East India Company. Cloth makers organized their industry. Many people began farming sheep which was very profitable.

This shows that many people in that era made a living by cloth making. most people farmed sheep and sold the wool or made fabric.

A sheep farm

"Poetry also experienced a revival by writers such as Edmund Spenser and Thomas Wyatt. One of the most significant developments of the Elizabethan Renaissance was the proliferation of the sonnet, a fourteen-line poem centered on a single theme such as love or friendship. The period's most prolific sonnet writer was the famous playwright William Shakespeare, who composed more than 150 sonnets."

During that time, poetry was revived by many writers and a type of poem called a sonnet was created.

This shows that poetry made an important improvement in that time. It experienced a revival and a new type of poem called a sonnet was invented.

"Elizabeth was a major supporter of the humanities and her encouragement led to an onslaught of plays, poetry, music, and fine arts. The queen's court regularly hosted a number of painters and writers and her patronage resulted in vast artistic progress."

Elizabeth liked fine arts such as music, plays and poetry and often hosted writers and painters.

This shows that she was a fan of fine arts. Elizabeth hosted many painters and writers.

"The Elizabethan Age was important culturally. Popular pleasures included archery, bowls, dancing, and bear-baiting. People liked music, and wealthy people were expected to play musical instruments on social occasions. People also enjoyed dressing up. They acted masques, pageants, and plays at Christmas and other special times."

People usually enjoyed dancing, bowls, archery, dressing up, and bear-baiting. Wealthy people often played instruments.

This explains the culture of the Elizabethan Era. There were many activities including archery and dancing that people enjoyed.


"Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous plays during Elizabeth's reign. The Globe hosted some of the most renowned playwrights in English history including Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson. Elizabethan playwrights revolutionized English drama and the theater transformed into a place where all classes of people could come for entertainment. Elizabethan theater became one of the most influential eras of English theater history."

Shakespeare wrote many plays during the Elizabethan Era. Some of the plays were performed in the Globe theater which was also built during that time.

This talks about the history of the globe theater and Shakespeare's plays. It also describes the influence of Elizabethan theater.

A play at the Globe Theater

"In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator in the service of Spain, reached the Americas. In 1497, under the authorization of Henry VII of England, John Cabot, an Italian-born navigator, sailed northwestward to seek another way to East Asia. Instead, he reached either Newfoundland or Nova Scotia in what is now Canada and claimed the region for England. During Elizabeth's reign, many English sea captains continued to seek alternative routes to India."

During Elizabeth's reign, explorers tried travel to India and East Asia. Instead, they discovered the Americas, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia.

This tells about the exploration during the Elizabethan Era. It describes where the explorers went when they went of expeditions.

"The war with Spain continued for fifteen more years. Other trials beset the aging queen in her last decade of life, including an increasing conflict with Ireland, several years of food shortage in England, and an uprising within her own court. Elizabeth's natural powers of leadership declined in her old age, and she suffered deep depressions, often set off by the deaths of her closest friends and advisors."

The war between England and Spain continued and conflict began with Ireland. As Elizabeth got older, she suffered from depression and she began to lose her leadership skills. Her reign ended when she died in 1603.

This describes the end of the Elizabethan Era. It talks about what happened toward the end of Elizabeth's reign and right before her death.

Elizabeth I dying

Works Cited

Bumgardner, Jake. “Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Caffrey, Cait. “Elizabethan Era.” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2016): Topic Overviews 6-12. Web. 1 Dec. 2016.

“The Last Years of Elizabeth’s Reign.” Elizabethan World Reference Library. Ed. Sonia G. Benson and Jennifer York Stock. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 195-204. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 1 Dec. 2016.

Morrill, John S. “United Kingdom, History of the.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

“The War with Spain.” Elizabethan World Reference Library. Ed. Sonia G. Benson and Jennifer York Stock. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 103-121. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 1 Dec. 2016.

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Maren Coffeen

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