www.activedevon.org an update

What thinking underpins the website?

Active Devon must reach 43% of Devon's population who are not reaching the CMO guidelines. We cannot directly influence all of these people on the ground with face to face interventions, so our digital priority is to reach these consumers of activity and inspire them to take their first step towards a more active lifestyle.

Tone - people who are inactive often have negative perceptions of what being active means, so the role of the webite is to provide trusted, supportive, friendly advice

There are four key sections to the website

1. Active Devon - information about our priorities, our board, staff, policies, safeguarding, working with us

2. Resources - case studies, insights, training, funding, campaigns that are shared across the entire site

3. Deliverers - the network of coaches, clubs, volunteers and leaders who make activity happen in Devon

4. Customers - people who are looking to be inspired to find out about and try out different activities


In the same way that we have set out to inspire people to try and engage with new activities, we are using the delivery area of our website to inspire people either to become coaches, volunteers, leaders or if they are already delivering activity, to become better coaches, volunteers and leaders. There will be lots of resources to help people on their journey, but there will also be lots of stories to inspire and motivate people.

Each of the deliverer pages will feature a profiled coach, volunteer, leader or club. The top of the page will hold key information and their best mini victory. This feature of the website becomes a benefit to sign up and is a selling feature for the Champions Network!


Consumers of activity, our customers will be taken on a journey with us via the website

The 5 step journey

#1 Inspire

Inspire me to take my first or next step

#2 Inform

Inform me about who, what, where, when

#3 Engage

Help me commit to my first or next step

#4 Share

Share my experiences to inspire others

#5 Invest

Invest my time to help others


There is going to be a phased roll-out of the website. This will ensure that we talk to our existing partners first and raise the profile of our new website and the potential that it holds for them. We can then work in partnership to create a satisfying and rewarding customer journey. Our partners will also help us to populate our website with data. When we are happy that we have enough information from the people and places where sport and activity takes place to inspire our customers, we will then open up the customer facing area


We are talking to Big Wave about trying to make the training area of our website live as early as possible so that we can advertise courses in the new year as well as testing out booking and paying online.

Anticipated launch date (if applicable) January 2017


We will open up all the new information about Active Devon, including our values, mission and strategic dirction, our staff, our board, our polcies and how to work with us (information that talks to NGB's workplaces, educational establishments, charities, health trusts etc

We will open up the area of the wesbite that talks to our delivery partners - infomration about clubs, coaches, volunteers, leaders etc

We will open up the Resources area- the shared resources that sit across all areas of the website including case studies, insights, training, funding, campaigns

Anticipated launch date mid February 2017


We will open up part of the customer/consumer area of the website. People who are coming to the website to be inspired to try out activity will be asked a set of questions and then be offered a list of activities that best match their profile

Customers can then choose an activity that inspires them and they will have their interest in taking part enhanced through fun facts, videos and key information. Although at this stage they will not be able to see where they can take part locally, they will be offered simple advice about how to get more active for free from their doorstep.

Anticipated launch date March 2017


Opening up of local activity pages so people can begin to see where they can try out activities in their local area.

Anticipated launch date April 2017


How will I know how to update my area?

You will be invited to a training session run by Big Wave Media

Will it mean more work for me?

Short term maybe, as we get the right content and language. However, the site has been designed to minimise duplication. For instance you make a change to the resources area and it will update the entire website.

Will the information go out of date?

As much as is reasonably possible, the data that the website uses will be trustworthy. All activities, events and delivery information will have time limits on them and an automated back-end system will send an email to the owner of the data to check and verify if it is still correct.

What will be expected of me?

We will be working with all staff in the new year to produce some easy to use templates that we would like you to use to activate our networks, raise the profile of the website and help people to understand the benefits of sharing their information via the website.

What happens when we have new projects - how will the website handle these?

The structure of the website has been designed around a series of flexible templates. New project information can be added easily via the templates. Any associated engagement activities will feature in the relevant sport/activity area of the website.

Will the website be a one stop shop for everything to do with Active Devon?

No! By anybody's standard, the nature of Active Devon's work means that this is a complex, large website. There will be future developments and improvements, but it will be a fantastic, engaging, customer focused platform that shows us as a trusted and professional organisation with high ambitions and great stories to tell!

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