
Get Ready to Go A photo essay by HaLey Gann

Sure, prom is the most fun time to dress up and spend time with friends, but the process of getting there may be stressful.

Dress shopping

The variety of colors and styles are mind blowing. Once the perfect dress is found waiting to wear it again is impossible. Although, waiting until the last minute to do dress shopping isn’t the best idea.

Makeup Shopping

Makeup is a good preparation for all of the pictures that come later.

The mess

Now that peom day is here, the time crunch begins. It starts with makeup, which could get messy.

The completed look

Next is hair and putting the dress that has been waiting in the closet for a week or even a couple months.

Car Ride to pictures

The volumous dresses somehow need to be crushed and stuffed into the car. At this point, taking only one car is a difficult decision to make.

Family pictures

Since everyone is dressed up and fancy, pictures are a must. Family comes to the park to see the final product.

Pizza dinner

Whether dinner is eaten at a fancy restaurant or pizza is ordered at home, it is what you make of it.

On the way in

When everyone is dressed up, pictures are done, and food is eaten, it’s time to get to the dance floor.

Alternative shoes for prom

The heels may be uncomfortable, so future prom goers should take this tip to bring alternative shoes. Matching with friends makes for a good picture.

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