Ten Technology Troubles Grace Carey

Trouble 1 = Pop up adds keep coming up on your PC

Trouble 2 = your computer isn't turning on

Trouble 3 = your computer is working, but it's very slow

Trouble 4 = downloads on your computer are taking FOREVER

Trouble 5 = your computer restarts at random times

Trouble 6 = certain sites like Google don't look right

Trouble 7 = your wi-fi on your computer keeps disconnecting

Trouble 8 = you keep getting an error on your internet browser

Trouble 9 = your printer isn't printing

Trouble 10 = your favorite program isn't working on your PC


Created with images by Concord90 - "girl computer work" • tvol - "keyboard" • C.E. Kent - "Google" • tejasp - "wifi wireless device wi fi" • TeroVesalainen - "question mark why problem" • zimpenfish - "Printer" • image4you - "notebook laptop computer"

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