William Shakespeare Justin kingcade period 4

His Early Years - Quote 1 : " Early years , William Shakespeare was born in the small market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 the third of eight children . The register of Holy Trinity, the parish church in Stratford records his baptism on April 26. According to the custom at that time , infants were baptized about three days after their birth. Therefore, the generally accepted date for Shakespear's birth is April 23 ( Lander 14 World book advanced "William Shakespeare") Commentary 1 : In the early years , it talks about where William Shakespeare was born , and when he was born . It also talks about his family and that he was baptized on April 23 . His Work in The Globe

Theater : Quote 2 : "The Globe was begun by a carpenter named James Burbage and finished by his two sons, Cuthbert and Robert . To escape jurisdiction of the Corporation of London, which was composed of conservative Puritans who opposed the theater's "licentiousness" James Burbage built the Globe just outside London in the liberty of Holywell beside Finsbury Fields. This also meant that the Globe was safer than the threats that lurked in Londons's crowded streets like plague and other diseases as well as rioting mobs. When James Burbage died in 1597 his sons completed the Globe's construction. Shakespeare played a vital role . Financially and otherwise in the construction of the theater, which as finally occupied some time before May 16 1599" ( World Book Advanced " William Shakespeare " )Commentary 2 : This paragraph talks about The Globe Theater , when it was built , and who it was built by . It also talks about how Shakespeare played a vital role . James Burbage had the help of his sons in building the Globe .

Quote 3 : "During that period, Shakespeare probably had some income from his patron. Henry Wriothesley , earl of Sothhampton to whome he dedicated his first two poems Venus and Adoris (1593) and The Rape of Lucrace (1594) ." ( World Book Advanced ) ( Commentary 3 : Shakespeare was making a little bit of money from his patron .This paragraph talks about his first plays in his early life .

His Early Years in London Quote 1 : By 1592, Shakespeare apparently attracted the hostile attention of a jealous rival. Robert Greene was a university-trained writer who was among the first to attempt to make a career of writing for the stage and the commercial press. Greene’s Groats-Worth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance, a pamphlet published after Greene’s death in 1592, contains a harsh reference to Shakespeare. The English playwright Henry Chettle prepared the pamphlet for publication and may have been the true author. A passage in the pamphlet addressed to playwrights says:

… an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tiger’s heart wrapped in a Player’s hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and being an absolute Johannes fac totum [Jack of all trades], is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a country. Commentary 1 : It talks about William Shakespeare's early life while he was in London . He started to write Playwrights . It also states what one of the pamphlets says. His Life in Stratford. Quote 2 :Shakespeare’s parents belonged to what today would be called the middle class. John Shakespeare, William’s father, was a glove maker who owned a shop in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. Stratford is about 75 miles (120 kilometers) northwest of London in the county of Warwickshire. John Shakespeare was a respected man in the town and held several important positions in the local government. Commentary 3 : Talks about how his life was while he was living in Stratford . It talks about his father who was a glove maker . His father also held several positions in the government . Commentary 2 : Talks about how his life was while he was living in Stratford . It talks about his father who was a glove maker . His father also held several positions in the government . The Years of Fame : Quote 3 : Throughout the 1590’s, Shakespeare’s reputation continued to grow. From 1594 to 1608, he was fully involved in the London theater world. In addition to his duties as a sharer and actor in the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, he wrote an average of almost two plays a year for his company. During much of this period, Shakespeare ranked as London’s most popular playwright, based on the number of times his plays were performed and published. But his reputation was largely that of a popular playwright, not of a writer of unequaled genius. Commentary 3 : It talks about Shakespeare's fame and reputation and how it was growing . He was fully involved in the London theater world . He was ranked as London's most popular playwright.

His Last Years Quote 1 : During his last eight years, Shakespeare was the sole author of only three plays—Cymbeline,The Tempest, and The Winter’s Tale. He collaborated with John Fletcher, another English dramatist, in writing three more plays. In the past, some scholars argued that The Tempest, written about 1610, was Shakespeare’s last play. Such a theory was encouraged by the presence in the play of passages that sound like a farewell to the stage. However, in 1612 and 1613, Shakespeare worked closely with Fletcher, who replaced him as the chief dramatist for the King’s Men, on Cardenio (now lost), King Henry VIII, and Two Noble Kinsmen. In addition, Shakespeare purchased a house in the Blackfriars district of London in 1613. The evidence thus suggests that Shakespeare gradually reduced his activity in London rather than ending it abruptly. Commentary 1 : It talks about Shakespeare's last eight years and that he was the sole of only three plays . The plays were , Cymbeline , The Tempest , and the Winter's Tale . England of Shakespeare's day : Quote 2 : During most of Shakespeare’s lifetime, England was ruled by Queen Elizabeth I. Her reign is often called the Elizabethan Age. Shakespeare’s works reflect the cultural, social, and political conditions of the Elizabethan Age. Knowledge of these conditions can provide greater understanding of Shakespeare’s plays and poems. For example, most Elizabethans believed in ghosts, witches, and magicians. No biographical evidence exists that Shakespeare held such beliefs, but he used them effectively in his works. Ghosts play an important part in Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Richard III.Witches are major characters in Macbeth. Prospero, the hero of The Tempest, is a magician. Commentary 2 : In most of Shakespeare's lifetime , England was being ruled by Queen Elizabeth I . This time was known as the Elizabethan Age . It talks about Shakespeare's works reflect the Culture . The Elizabethan Theater : Quote 3 : Shakespeare wrote his plays to suit the abilities of particular actors and the tastes of specific audiences. The physical structure of the theaters in which his works were presented also influenced his playwriting. He used many dramatic devices that were popular in the Elizabethan theater but are no longer widely used. Modern readers and theatergoers can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays more fully if they know about the various theatrical influences that helped shape them. Commentary 3 : It talks about how Shakespeare wrote his plays to suit the abilities of particular and the tastes of specific audiences . It talks about the physical structure of how theaters were built . Shakespeare's Play's : Quote 4 : Scholars do not know exactly what Shakespeare wrote. With the possible exception of a short passage from Sir Thomas More, no manuscripts in Shakespeare’s handwriting exist. Thus, editors have had to sort through the early printed documents to determine what was written by Shakespeare. Their labors have been greatly assisted by Shakespeare’sComedies, Histories & Tragedies, published in 1623. This volume, called the First Folio, was published by a group of publishers led by Isaac Jaggard and Edward Blount. The publishers were assisted by two leading members of the King’s Men, John Heminge and Henry Condell, who were able to provide copies of the 18 plays that had not appeared before in print. Along with these 18 plays, the First Folio republished an additional 18 plays, making a total of 36. Commentary 4 : It says that Scholars did not know exactly what Shakespeare had wrote . There were no manuscripts in Shakespeare's handwriting existing . They had to sort through early documents .

Sources: Anderson, Robert. “William Shakespeare’s Life : a Genius from Stratford.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-77.

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 9 Dec. 2016.


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