
Heme Iron The natural way of iron supplementation

There are only two kinds of iron that we can use; heme iron from meat, poultry or fish and non-heme iron from vegetables, dairy products or chemically bonded iron in supplements. Syntethic non-heme iron in the standard iron preparations has a low degree of uptake and often produces unpleasant side-effects.

Traditionally iron supplements are made with artificial chemically bonded iron such as Ferrous Sulphate, Ferrous Bis-Glycinate and other combinations.

These forms have an absorption of only 2 - 4 % and will leave reactive free iron ions in the gut, causing a high degree of unpleasant stomach side-effects. Heme iron is absorbed at 20 - 40 % and doesn't disturb the gastro-intestinal channel. Find out more at www.hemeiron.com and www.optifer.international

The OptiFerĀ® series of heme iron supplements are better tolerated and more efficient than any other iron supplements.

Created By
Michael Collan MediTec Group