Brazilian winter holidays Lehi uriostegui/edgar gonzalez

November 2 is when when the start to put up the tree

The start by putting stars all over the tree they make light up it different colors like blue green. And red also the tree is 160 feet tall the yous Crain to pick it up the tree

All so on the tree the shoot fire from the tree also the tree is all metal

Some of thee food they eat is lobster cheese grapes fish with some lemon

They have a big party with that a parade with big dresses and big fluffy hats every person goes to this festival to party and have fun the parade is called carnival


Created with images by Shinagawa - "Árvore de Natal - Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas 1" • Denise Mayumi - ". Merry Christmas ." • Paulisson Miura - "Ceci n'est pas une supernova." • Daria-Yakovleva - "cheese cheese plate wine" • nateClicks - "E70A3113.jpg"

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