Lifestream Summary WEEK SEVEN

This is the final week of 'Community Cultures'.

I can see four themes threading through the last six days of Lifestreaming.

First, community spaces and places. Both physical and online, and the interactions between them. Liberation, and containment. Both, as part of place-making, and being made by place.

Edinburgh, Pixar, Uber, Snapchat, Google, bookshops, local newspapers, Twitter and church:

they're all here somewhere.

Places are peopled, and people are placed. A second thread running through this week is human decision-making, the heart, and the risk and reality of error.

Our devices are the devices of our hearts.

Typoos happen: we need to get used to it, even if AI struggles with it.

The heart: my context in theological education thrives on it -

but so, too, does Class Dojo.

What's the difference, is there a difference, where is the difference?

Third, community involves, requires, generates, even desires - contradictions. Digital cultures too. Massively priced low-making businesses; AI understanding, misunderstanding, and simply processing. All the time, 'like' it or not.

Take a selfie: like me, like me not? Unbranded, but branded.

On the surface, to the heart. Or it's all surface, at heart.

Finally, compulsion. Persuasive technologies. Addiction. Irresistable? Can't put down. Inescapable?

And for what, and where...

Adam Alter, or simply can't alter Adam? Brave new worlds. Bubbles. Daily bread, or daily circus? The restless, seemingly inescapable. Digital Cultures.

Holding up a mirror to the soul: or simply a mirror?

Made in the image, or only image?


Created with images by Taken - "plug audio jack" • Tim Green aka atoach - "River Kennal 1" • geralt - "photo montage faces photo album" • Magnus D - "Motsägelsefullt" • blickpixel - "cube game cube instantaneous speed" • Alexas_Fotos - "soap bubble colorful ball"

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