U.S. politics and culture. Made by Cezar dominguez for ms le donne 1st period

Introduction trying to be him here-} "Being in america has shown me their agriculture landscape and their daily things but i have seen how they symbolize their flag and as they grow the more stars are added". Currently there in the era of good feelings their economic nationalism the swelling spirit was reflected in proposals that the federal government takes a more active role in building the national economy.

Judicial Nationalism, Another factor was the judicial nationalism both the nationalism and commerce had a friend in the supreme court's chief justice, John marshall. Appointed by John adams in 1801, marshall wrote some of the most important court decisions in U.S. history. Marshall had two effects he strengthened the role of the supreme court, And secondly he strengthened the federal government.

The end to the era of good feelings, In 1824 four candidates including clay, competed to succeed monroe as president non of the candidates won a majority in the Electoral college. As a result the election had to be decided by the house of representatives. The house elected John quincy adams, the son of John adams.

Early american art, Americans have brought European art traditions with them to the colonies, but by 1800s they were expressing, but by the 1800´s they were expressing their national identity by developing style all on their own. not all artist were professionals. Ordinary people produced many kinds of folk art. men carved hunting decoys and weather vanes. women sewed spare bits of cloth into quilts.

Early american music, American's national identify was also expressed through music. Until the 1800´s , music was performed and heard mostly in church. songs were performed outside the church, too, but they were usually old tunes with new lyrics. The music for ¨The Star Spangled Banner,¨ for instance came from an english tune.

Early American literature, In 1820 a british writer sneered ¨Who reads an american book? or goes to an american play? or looks at an american picture or statue?¨ In the eyes of Europeans, the united states was a culturally backwards nation. Yet america was finding its cultural voice especially in literature.

Mla page:Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: The United States through Industrialism. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.

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