The Solution To Obesity Can Be Found Within The Problem Obesity reduced by increased tax

Obesity strips away the happiness and well being of individuals across the nation.
The main cause of obesity is the over consumption of sugary beverages.

Through an increase of taxation on sugary beverages, consumption quantities will decrease, and the quality of life increases.

Every time someone buys a sugary drink, the revenue collected from the extra taxation is immediately used to combat the challenges of obesity.

Consumers are supporting programs that promote healthy lifestyles such as health education, medical support, and group exercise.

This solution gives people an opportunity to play a part in helping them live healthier and happier lives.


Created with images by Peggy_Marco - "refugees economic migrants financial equalization" • Alan Cleaver - "Lose weight now" • basykes - "Depression" • JeepersMedia - "Soda" • free pictures of money - "Taxes" • noego - "Moxie Mostly Gone" • Brian Smithson (Old Geordie) - "Water" • Army Medicine - "Being Healthy is Beautiful"

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