Nike, Inc. "Just Do It."

Nike is a sports equipment and apparel company founded in 1971 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman.

Nike, Inc. Headquarters

Nike started out as a shoe company but began to expand in the 1980s and continues to grow today.

First Nike Moon shoe (1972)

Nike employs over 60,000 employees and has a net worth of over $19 billion, making it the largest sports business in the world.

With increased competition in the sports apparel industry over the previous few decades, nike has made decisions in the last decade that have separated itself from companies like Under Armor and Adidas.

Nike Revenue vs. Adidas Revenue

Along with its apparel industry, Nike is also the main supplier of merchandise for major sports leagues including the NFL and NBA.

According to a study by Bluefin Solutions in 2014, Nike is the most innovative company in the world.


Created with images by raul gonza|ez - "Street Feet #1"

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