Global Warming How does global warming affect habitats and living organisms in africa? By:Jasraj

Use the scientific inquiry framework to model and explore how matter and energy interact and are transferred through systems

In Climate Matter and Energy connect through Heat Sinks, Carbon Emissions and through other pollutant. They are transferred throughout systems through death and the formation of coal from dead plants and oil from dead marine animals. The resources are scavenged and are then burnt for fuel causing them to go into the atmosphere hence repeating the cycle again. The basic is repeated until there is a rate of change in a certain part of the cycle which causes temperature increases or temperature drops. This will ultimately lead to devastating affects to the Earth that will recover and will stabilize the planet once again.

Investigate, assess and evaluate the positive and negative social impact of scientific developments and technology as it pertains to themselves, Canada and the world.

Some negative social impact of climate change technology are solar and hydroelectric power plants. Some negative impacts of solar power plants are that they are expensive to make and to install, they take up a lot of space and fertile land that could be used for agriculture or for construction, not very efficient and can only be used in Southern U.S areas due to that place having moderate amounts of sunlight. Hydroelectric power plants also have negative effects such as environmental damage, dams have affected fish and dams have collapsed due to loss of life. Some positive social impacts of science are that renewable sources are decreasing the rate of climate change and air pollution.

Investigate, assess and evaluate the positive and negative environmental impact of scientific developments and technology as it pertains to themselves, Canada and the world.

Some negative effects of the invention of nuclear and fossil fuel power plants are pollutants, air pollution and high consumption of resources. Pollutants such as CO2 destroy the Atmosphere thus increasing the rates of cancer and the amount of heat on planet Earth. Air pollution caused by the smoke from a power plant increases Asthma, Cardiovascular Disease and COPD. Resources are very valuable and the need for electricity is increasing causing more fossil fuels to be used everyday. There is only a limited amount of fuel hence crude oil and coal take millions of years and a lot of pressure to form. Some positive effects are that fossil fuels make electricity easier to generate, generates more electricity and it is less expensive to set up than other forms of electricity such as solar, hydroelectric and Biomass.

Investigate, assess and evaluate the positive and negative economical impact of scientific developments and technology as it pertains to themselves, Canada and the world

There are many forms of generating electricity such as solar, wind. nuclear, etc. However some are more costly than other when it comes to paying your electricity bill or actually buying materials and items necessary to generating electricity. As time goes by science is majorly responsible for growing public awareness that people share the planet with all other living creatures, that the environment which supports all life is changing , and that human activities are destroying this environment and threaten to change it seriously.


Climate is the long term day to day weather pattern of a certain area. Climate affects economy, wildlife and population of a certain area due to factors such as annual percipitation, annual snowfall, soil profiles and the amount of provided labor in the area. Climate change affects my topic question because when the climate in the African forests becomes warmer many species go extinct because the temperature surpasses their tolerance levels. As the Earth gets warmer permafrost in the arctic melts and releases methane which is very destructive to the ozone layer in the atmosphere. There are many human and natural influences that impact the rate of climate change. Some include Industrial Emmisions, Carbon Emmisions, Natural causes and Non-renewable power plants.

This chart shows how climate affects everything worldwide.


A greenhouse gas is any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that absorbs radiation coming from the sun, trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere. By increasing the heat in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming and climate change. This impacts species in the African forests in many different ways such as increasing risks of cancer, habitat loss and lack of water and food. The atmosphere blocks harmful UV rays from the sun that can cause cancer and if the Atmosphere is destroyed there are higher risks of cancer development in species. Global warming causes a warmer climate worldwide which also causes droughts and causes death of many species, in this case species suffer from water and food loss. Lastly the habitats of animals are destroyed to due to dying trees, dry soil profiles and human interference's.

Human and natural factors are labeled and are used to give the reader an understanding of how they impact the Atmosphere and Climate Change.



Volcanic Eruptions and Melting of Permafrost during spring/summer seasons. Volcanic Eruptions release Greenhouse gases such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide which are very harmful to the Atmosphere. While permafrost melts naturally each year it releases Methane which is a very dangerous chemical compound. Methane causes 4 times more damage to the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide which is very concerning considering the fact that climate change is already melting permafrost at an unnatural rate.

Simple Diagram that shows natural release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Human Influences

Human activities are the main problem to the global warming issue because of our uses of gases and non-renewable resources. Humans use oil to fuel their cars which get released as a greenhouse gas known as Carbon Dioxide. The electricity that we use in our common households is generated by a nearby power plant. However there are some renewable sources of generating electricity but most electricity is generated through the usage of non - renewable sources such as coal, oil and nuclear. All of these forms of generating electricity cause pollution by outputting greenhouse gases. Since humans generate electricity and use cars everyday the Atmosphere is being attacked by a lot of greenhouse gases. This ultimately leads to global warming, mass extinctions and sea level rises.


During the day the Earth absorbs radiation from the sun while Glaciers and the Atmosphere reflect some back into the Universe. At night the Earth cools down and releases the radiation back into the Universe. However greenhouse gases further absorb radiation and do not let it leave keeping the Earth warm.

Convection And Conduction

Heat transfers in 3 different ways conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction is the process in which if 2 objects are touching heat transfers until both are at the same temperature. This connects to the Earths method of cooling using the oceans. The warm water go up north and the colder water goes south keeping temperature as even as can be. In liquids and gases, convection is usually the best option for heat transfer . Convection occurs when warmer areas of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the liquid or gas. Convection is that of similar to the Earths atmosphere due to heat being exchanged throughout all the layers.


Different gases have a certain amount of intake of Thermal Energy. Some gases such as Methane will be and will act more harmful to the Atmosphere than a gas such and Carbon Dioxide. Some emissions are not as common as other such as HFC (Hydrofluorocarbons) and SF6 (Sulfur hexafluoride).

This Pie Chart shows the percentage points of each gas and which one is affecting global warming the most/least.


The Hydrosphere is all water on Earth including salt water in seas, glaciers, fresh water and ice patches across the globe. When the air is warmer than the Hydrosphere, the Hydrosphere absorbs heat and thermal energy from the air and evens out the heat levels (this process is referred to as "Hydrospheric Heat Sinks''). This is connected to my topic question because since oceans carry water all around the world from the North to the South pole, this means greenhouse gases will warmen the atmosphere more than normal and the Hydrosphere will absorb more heat than normal. The Hydrosphere will then carry warmer water to the North and South pole which will help in melting glaciers, it will kill a lot of marine life and will also destroy a lot of Marine ecosystems.


Atmospheric Heats Sinks are the process in which thermal energy in the Ocean is absorbed by the Atmosphere. The problem interupting this amazing feature is that us, humans are destroying the Atmosphere by releasing Greenhouse gases and this results in the oceans warming up more than normal. This causes habitat loss for millions of species, and the thermohaline circulation starts to move hot water across the globe. This destroys habitats all across Earth and melts glaciers faster causing a rise in sea levels.


Global warming is the process in which the temperature of the Atmosphere rises as a whole mainly influenced by greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide, Chlorofluorocarbons and many other pollutants. African habitats and wildlife are being destroyed by climate change and temperature increase. Global Warming is increasing temperatures beyond animal and plant tolerance levels which is making thousands of species go extinct every year. According to IPCC 2007 by the end of the century sea levels will have risen by 7-23 inches due to global warming. Since 1880, the temperature has risen by 1.7 Fahrenheit degrees. The rising sea levels will cause flooding drowning millions of animals and uprooting millions across the globe. There are over 100 million people that live 3 feet above sea level some of these places are cities like New York that are vulnerable to flooding. Africa is already facing events currently such as droughts, mass extinctions, forest fires and the death of crops.

Natural Causes of Climate Change

Natural Causes of Climate Change include Volcanic Eruptions and Melting of Permafrost during spring/summer seasons. Volcanic Eruptions release Greenhouse gases such as Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide which are very harmful to the Atmosphere. While permafrost melts naturally each year it releases Methane which is a very dangerous chemical compound. Methane causes 4 times more damage to the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide which is very concerning considering the fact that climate change is already melting permafrost at an unnatural rate.

Anthropogenic Causes of Climate Change

Human activities are the main problem to the global warming issue because of our uses of gases and non-renewable resources. Humans use oil to fuel their cars which get released as a greenhouse gas known as Carbon Dioxide. The electricity that we use in our common households is generated by a nearby power plant. However there are some renewable sources of generating electricity but most electricity is generated through the usage of non - renewable sources such as coal, oil and nuclear. All of these forms of generating electricity cause pollution by outputting greenhouse gases. Since humans generate electricity and use cars everyday the Atmosphere is being attacked by a lot of greenhouse gases. This ultimately leads to global warming, mass extinctions and sea level rises.


Some indicators of climate change are increasing sea levels (which will have increased by 7-23 inches by the end of the century), increasing temperature in the Atmosphere (increased by 1.7 Fahrenheit degrees), higher extinction rates (150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours.This has increased 1000 times by the normal rate), increased forest fires (over 100,000 forest fires a year). Climate is affecting thousands of small remote Islands that are flooding due to increasing sea levels.

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Created with images by woodleywonderworks - "Atlas, it's time for your bath" • 3dman_eu - "dry global warming dehydrated" • W J (Bill) Harrison - "Global Warming" • Cherrylynx - "Global Warming. The Earth became the newest Waterworld." • postman.pete - "Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae (ag-LAR-iss ur-TY-see)" • auspices - "untitled image" • Nicholas_T - "Beartown Woods Natural Area (4)" • ♡ dare to share beauty - "Stream of Frozen Hope - HDR" • S.A. Street Photographer - "Copano Bay Bridge" • leyink - "Cool story, nature." • H o l l y. - "Chasing the Reasons." • Zach Dischner - "Canyonlands" • Gemma Stiles - "Hopes" • Mister-Mastro - "2011 09 26 at the Rheine Autmn come" • seyed mostafa zamani - "Autumn" • Zach Dischner - "Sunlight" • CoreForce - "bread (to be)"

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