Writing Skills english 150-045

In English 150-045 we did a lot to help improve our writing. Writing is the key to success. We did peer reviews with the teacher and each other. We received feedback and we also did free writes, short writes and essays.

As a class we are all doing a free writes

Free writes are just easier ways to get our brain flowing. We write for about 5-10 minutes about whatever topic we receive on the board. They are helpful because we do them daily and they relate to the bigger picture of what we have to write about. It helps writers avoid self-criticism because they don't have to be correctly spelled or punctuated.

English SLA Workshop

Workshops for English 150-045 were on Fridays from 12-12:50. During that time we could work on anything we had to complete before a certain deadline or weekly emails. When this particular picture was taken we were working on Unit 2. These classes helped us because we only have that time to worry about that one class and no other.

Tyler demonstrating will and dedication

Dedication is very important in any class but especially in a class like this,because once you get behind it will take a miracle to catch back up. You have to be willing to meet deadlines and be up as long as it takes. Dedication helps us as writers because writing isn't easy and it takes time.

Keegan talking to the Professor asking her for help

Asking for help may not seem like such a big deal, especially from elementary all the way through high school. They did try to tell us it was important but it is critical in college. Asking questions is key, I learned to ask questions and it helpedĀ me a lot. This helps because without asking questions you will not have a great understanding.

Stress relieving

If you stress yourself out too much school will become overwhelming. If you do the work it wont be your best because you are tired and don't wanna do it. We all need a few hours to be school and stress free. The gym is a great place to go to relieve stress and just have fun. Fun is also a major key to success but utilize time wisely. This can help us as writers because when we are stress free we perform better.

McGraw Hill Learning

McGraw Hill learning is a tool used to help us with the things we learned in depth. It also teaches us. It helps us with punctuation, structure, and even writing. This helps us as writers because it goes into depth and you cant move on unless you get the question correct.


We were in groups and in your groups we always peer reviewed one another's papers. Peer-Review helps us as writers because it helps us see how other may identify our writing. It also shows us what other ways we could approach our own papers.

Groups working together and getting help from Professor Pavletic

Group work is important because there is more than one or two brains which means more ideas.

Tyler utilizing his sources

The library will become a big part of your daily routine at Ferris. The library is almost always open and it has many floors to do work on and use computers. They have rooms to be alone in for quietness. The library helps us as writers because it has many different online databases, books for research and even librarians to help you.


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