Native American Mascots By Jennifer paez

Teams and schools should be allowed to use Native American mascots.

"Nine in ten Native Americans say they aren't offended by the Redskins name."

It is not affensive or harming to anyone. The Native Americans are okay with the name.

"They honor us."

It represents them, and in the article it says, "They honor us." Even if a team represents them. Teams are strong, brave, and bold. They show us what Native Americans really are. They truely honor them.

"Pride or Prejustice?"

The Seminole tribe in Florida made an agreement with FSU to allow the use of its name that allows the university to continue competing in the NCAA. The university says "its relationship with the Seminole tribe is one of mutual respect." It's not disrespectful.

Native Americans.

In the past three articles you have seen why teams and schools should be able to use Native American mascots.

Thank You!
Created By
Jennifer Paez

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