Counting to 100 by ones and by tens

The student will learn to count to 100 by ones and by tens, with the help of catchy fun songs and mathematical activities.

This song will be counting from 1 to 100. Listen to to it and try to follow along. It has a catchy rythem so don't be afraid to move around!

This song will be going from 10 to 100 by tens. Listen to it and try your best to follow along! If you need to play it a few times, you may!

After watching the videos above, come see me and I will give you this activity. Use this worksheet and fill in the missing numbers going from 1 to 100!

Once you add the missing numbers going from 1 to 100, come see me again. Once you get this activity go ahead and try to write in the missing numbers going from 100 down to 1!

After finding the missing numbers by ones, come see me once again. Then do this activity and find the missing numbers going by tens!


In conclusion, The student has learned how to count to 100 by ones and by tens with the help of catchy fun songs and mathematical activities.


Created with images by Brett_Hondow - "calculator calculating calculate" • Brett_Hondow - "calculator calculating calculate" • ariesa66 - "slide rule count math" • andymag - "Numbers" • PIRO4D - "cube play random" • Pexels - "dial dialer numbers"

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