Portraits Morgan Deering

1 - Photo Outside: This is a good photo because it uses a couple different rules of composition. You can see natural framing with the branches of the tree, and Christian is looking into the photo.
2 - Away from the Wall: This is a good photo because of the fact that selective focus is used. Along with selective focus, if you split this photo into a grid, Christians shoulders line up with the bottom line. Natural light also compliments this photo.
3 - With Flash: This is a good photo because rule of thirds was used so the subject was not in the middle. Selective focus is also used to ensure that the subject stands out.
4 - Without Flash: This is a good photo because a variety of composition techniques were used. I used selective focus to blur the background out and create less distraction. I also used rule of thirds to assure that the subject was not in the middle of the photo.
5 - Against a Wall: This photo is good because i used rule of thirds to assure that viewers would find it pleasing to the eye. I also used strong subject, as christian is CLEARLY filling the frame and most definitely the subject of the photo.
6 - Use Subject's Environment: This is a good photo because when separating the image into a grid, christian is not in the middle nor is his reflection. Another thing that makes this a good photo is the selective focus.
7 - Natural Light from Window: This is a good photo because i used rule of thirds to make sure the subject was not centered. Another thing that makes this image good is the fact that christian is looking into the frame.
8 - Your Choice: This is a good photo because i used selective focus and rule of thirds. On top of these techniques, Christians red sweatshirt in front of this dull background makes him the clear subject.
9 - Your Choice: This is a good photo because i used rule of thirds and christian is looking into the frame. I also used the environment around him to naturally frame him.
10 - Your Choice: This is a good photo because of the natural framing you get from the window. Another thing that compliments this photo is the use of rule of thirds.

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