Good Life Tour of the Harn by MAx Dacquel

Medium of the art/Technique of the Artist

In this picture it may seem as though Yayoi Kusama's Net's-Infinity is just a repeated random dots, however seeing it in person was a different phenomenon. In person you could see how much work actually was put into the artwork. The different textures and strokes used to create the picture. It isn't merely dots on a canvas it is a piece of abstract art symbolizing the repetitive nature of space and time. The fact that it seemed so simple but powerful was most striking to me. It didn't have to say it directly to get its meaning across. It made me ponder the complexity of simple things.

David of Museum

My favorite wing of the museum was the Asian Art Wing. I enjoyed this wing most, because of the seemingly random organization of the art. When I first walked through I immediately saw the log looking pieces of art and was struck by how different the pieces were in this wing than the other wings, The more I pondered it the more I realized it was set up in a thematic sort of way it was the pieces of art that were different. I was used to seeing mostly paintings and small artifacts, however this exhibit had a wide variety of different things.

Art and Core values

This image, Funeral of Frida Kahlo, evokes both loss and sorrow. The image is at a persons funeral depicting his friends and family going through the mourning process. This picture brings me back to when I attended funerals myself. Reminding me of the grief and sorrow that I was feeling at the time. It doesn't help me further to understand death, but it is a reminder that is something that we will all experience. Not only our own death but the death of our loved ones. So the artwork is not only a reminder of the realities of death but to also enjoy life. To cherish those closest to you cause they may not always be there.

Art and the Good Life

This is image, Unchained the Women Directors Boarder, is a reminder to fight for the good life. Not all things in life will be given to you and somethings you will need to fight for. This image shows that no women have ever won a oscar as a director and only three have been nominated. This just depicts the inequality of opportunity that women have in the field. I may not be a women but equality is something that we should all be fighting for. For the female director is important for them to fight for this, because that is part of their good life. This helped me to further understand the importance of the feminist movement and of fighting for the good life.

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