Picture This By: Sariah Love

Title: Picture this

Author: Norah McClinton

Publisher: Library and Archives Canada cataloging in publication

Copyright Date: 2009


I loved reading this book I compared it to All The Broken Pieces because the main characters from the books both come from broken homes but in all the broken pieces it was because of the war, and in Picture this it is because he lives in a foster home and is moving from home to home.


In the book Picture This the main characters name is Ethan and he lives in a foster home and is struggling to put his life together. He is involved in photography but he's in a photography program for at risk kids he's bing threatened again and again by someone who wants his camera and he is struggling to stay out of trouble.


Created with images by James Cridland - "Yellow" • stevepb - "light lamp bedside lamp"

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