Board games

Section 1: The Board Game

I play lots of Board Games and they are fun,but i'm gonna tell you one it´s called Mouse Trap.

Mouse Trap ( which is named Mouse Trap game) is a Board Game first published by Ideal in 1963 for 2 to 4 players. The game was one of the first mass-produced,three-dimensional board games. Over the course of the game,players at first cooperate to build a working Rube Goldberg-like Mouse Trap.

Section 2: Let's Play!

To play is you roll the dice and move you mouse around the board and if you land on a piece you put it where it goes,but if you land on cheese you get the cheese until you finish the trap Take turns b use Trap as you move around the gameboard. Then use the Mouse Trap to try to capture your opponent's mice. Be the last uncaptured mouse on the gameboard to win.

There is no power ups just game board, 4 plastic mice, 2 metal marbles, 25 Mouse Trap building parts and accessories, rubber bands, 52 cheese pieces that's it.

Section 3: The End

That was a fun game and did you like it because I hope it was you favorite. So what did you learn from it and here is the Board Game MouseTrap down here and the setup. I hope you enjoyed this and tell me what is your favorite board game and put a comment

here is a link to see what happends to the mouce


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