Stereotypes By: kate cotillo

Sometimes people think that people that go to a private school are, pompous, rich. My story is about my boyfriend Chris and how he goes to an all boys private school, named Saint Johns. I show people that they should not stereotype based on where people go to school and make conclusions about them and their lives. What inspired me to make my work about this topic is because too many people nowadays judge people by things they shouldn’t, and I wanted to show people to not judge a book by its cover. When viewers see my photo project I really hope that they stop and think before they make assumptions about someone. I also hope that they learn that just because someone goes to a private school it doesn’t mean they are stuck up. How I tried to accomplish this is by capturing him doing what he always does and showing his pride in his school and how he is proud to attend such a great school. What you should notice that may not be obvious throughout my photos is that he has a really big heart and always goes out of his way to do things to help or make people happier.

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