Chad and his adventure By Hailey swenson

Chad's neighbor has gone missing and while chad is looking for them he has had some problems along the way.

Chad started to evaporate, "ahhhh" he screamed and flew to clouds.

"What is going on" chad said

And a voice said "you are evaporating to cloud town" and the voice started to go "weeeeeeee" and floated away.

Chad was looking for new houses to live while he is at cloud town.

When he heard that same voice and said "hello who's there" and the voice said "sorry can't say goodbye"

And chad bought a house to live in and forgotten about the voice.

Here is Chad at his house.

Chad started to accumulate and everyone started to get crowded in this one cloud.

And then we began to fall and precipitation all the way to lake country.

Chad loved lake country but new he was going to infiltrate and become groundwater soon and then it began.

And now time to go to soil surface city.

Now they have infiltrated and became groundwater.

And we started to condense all the way to to mountain town.

He lived there for a long time before it was time to runoff and then it started it again.

And then they began to runoff.

So they sublimated and became fog "hi" Chad said to everyone.

And Chad became fog.

After chad lived in fog city he new he had to transpire to plant town.

Chad new that he would just keep moving forward to the next destination, and he was glad he was in the water cycle.


Created with images by Couleur - "wave sea water"

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