Lands end A Trail near Golden gate

Woke up early in the morning from Salida in my in-laws house planning to leave early. Just left from there early in the morning around 8:30 AM and arrived bay area around 9:45 AM. Just went to work for an hour and a half then I looked outside the window the weather was beautiful it was the clear after three chilling days.I called my friend David and he lives in San Francisco, made a plan to explore San Francisco. Guess what he said "let's do it" and then our journey begins. I was so excited to see the beauty of nature in San Francisco mountains.

Wonderful view while drinking coffe in warm caffe. Cargo ship is passing across Alcatraz island. Calm Pacific Ocean.

Best location to have Golden Gate Bridge in the picture. Little chilled weather still not bad to enjoy.

Watching civil engineering wonder.

Lands end point with stones, pebbles and rocks

Listening to the nature and power of fear in the nature.

Hukme ander sab ko, bahar hukam an koi

Picture time

Too many pictures

Good bye 👍🏼

Created By
Maninder Grewal

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