NEW YORK 2016 sceliano photography

New York Fashionweek & city shotZ by Alex Sceliano


First thing that will knock you of your feet is definitely breath-taking architecture. You may like it or dislike it, it may not be "your cup of tea" aesthetically, but one thing is for sure... You'll respect it. It's not just endlessly tall skyscrapers, although they make a strong impresion, but all these different districts with energy of their own... Every part of town is reviling new exciting story...

On every step you feel the historical value of your surroundings. It's not a long history but it's important one for the world we live in today. At first, it can be a bit overwhelming, but then it's kinda replaced with realization that of all the possibilities are infront of you and witing to be taken...


Also, there is a lot of places that are very familiar although i've never been before... why? All the movies and tv series ofcourse, all the tallk-shows and other media formats makes this scenery one of the most recognisable world wide.


New York City Fashion ShotZ

'till the next time ;)


Alex Sceliano

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