Eat Better, Feel Better Haley buckholz

Eating healthy is a big thing for me and my family.

Broccoli prevents obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It aids in a healthier complexion, hair growth and overall increased energy.

Peaches decrease the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.

Oranges lower the risk of women having strokes and lower blood pressure. They aid in developing a clear complexion and hair growth.

Tomatoes lower the risk of having prostate and colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, and depression. Tomatoes help your skin overall and provide essential nutrients for your eyes and heart.

The greener the better

Cauliflower aids in memory, muscle movement, sleep, healthy and strong bones.

Squash lowers blood pressure and risk of cancer. It also prevents asthma, manages diabetes, aids in complexion, and helps keep the digestive system on track.

Peas decrease the risk of stomach cancer, alzheimer's, arthritis and bronchitis. Peas also manage your weight, build a stronger immune system, and prevents wrinkles.


Created with images by elizadean - "strawberries strawberry delicious" • B3R3N1C3 - "broccoli fresh food" • RitaE - "apricots apricot fruit" • SammyJayJay - "juicy mandarin" • - "jc1766.JPG" • Muffet - "brussel sprouts" • wuestenigel - "Avocado" • MDMallett - "Cucumber!" • Muffet - "cauliflower" • - "Clagett Farm CSA 2008 Week 12" • issyeyre - "peas"

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