Florida Museum of Museum of Natural History Hugh Nguyen

Wowed by the Butterfly Museum

I think the nature on display is incredible. There new exhibit on frog colors is really fascinating. I was able to see vibrant colored frogs that you normally wouldn't see due to their poisonous effects. There were a whole bunch of enthusiastic experts that also were excited to educate you on more of the exhibit. But what I loved most of all was the butterfly exhibit where we were inches away from touching hundreds of butterflies.

Call this the Florida Butterfly due to its Orange and Blue Colors
Just a little butterfly munching on some bananas

Similar to Leopold, I gained a great appreciation for nature and I felt a lot closer to it because of the sudden realization of all the beautiful animals that surrounded me. Everyone around me was equally or more in awe. Everything looked so perfectly designed from the sweet banana bark laid out for the butterflies to snack on to the flowing tropical waterfall. Most importantly, the exposure to the unforgettable butterfly exhibit helped me remember my obligation to contribute through preserving habitats for delicate and vulnerable animals.

The amazing butterfly microcosm

The Natural History museum has helped me distress from all the hustle and bustle that I normally go through during a week at school. Moreover, it has shifted my focus to other things that hold more gravity and are much bigger than me, like nature. Although, I think that this whole museum really fulfills the purpose of depicting a place that is full of many interesting mysteries and wonders in every kink and crevice of the environment.

I'm really thankful that I went and I really cannot wait to go again!

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