Adidas vs. Nike

Adidas and Nike both have a large product line. Adidas has hoodies for $60 and high white socks for $15. Nike has a hoodie for $35 and high white socks for $17.

Adidas and nice both have online international, and local stores. They also promote using famous people on TV, and partnerships.
Nike has a voted better shoe quality, while Adidas shoes are more affordable. Adidas shoes do not have good reputation for their shoe quality, but Nike shoes are not as affordable.
Adidas has a opportunity in expanding its product line, while Nike has an opportunity in expanding its accessories.

Nike and Adidas both have threats. Adidas has threats of competition, and Nike has competition because it is to expensive compared to other brands.

Overall, Nike is better because it is already the highest ranking sportswear brand, and there is high accounts of customer loyalty.


Created with images by Christian Steen - "Hækling er det nye strik. Primeknit vs Flyknit #adidas #nike #knit"

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