Tour of the Harn Pariia Rabbanifard

Medium of the Art

The is called Untitled and it is by John Chamberlain. This piece was very interesting because of the texture. The artist uses very different techniques to create his art. This piece was created with aluminum foil and the texture is much more noticeable in person. There are many more details within the aluminum that can not be completely seen through an image. People would not expect scrunched up aluminum to be interesting, but the fact that it is so different is very appealing. It is supposed to express American culture because it is made from crushed cars, and this definitely communicated to me. People are constantly driving all over the country, and cars are used by almost everyone. This artwork made me feel inspired. Even though it does not look like much, there is a meaning behind this piece.

Design of the Museum

This is the Asian Art Wing Garden and it was designed by Hoichi Kurisu of Kurisu International. This part of the museum is very interesting to me because it is outdoors. It is interesting to see a garden inside of a museum because it does not seem to be a typical thing. It is also not outdoors, it is actually inside of the museum. Gardens are very appealing so I would definitely say it is a piece of art. Designing one requires a lot of thought and work. It is interesting to see that it is an Asian inspired garden. I have never seen a garden inspired by Asian culture. I never knew that gardens could be inspired by a culture. This garden made me feel connected more to nature and the Asian culture.

Art and Core Values

This artwork represents Day of the Dead. This piece can be viewed as an emotional piece because it shows loss and sorrow, but there is also an aspect of happiness in it. The person in the piece is dead but he is happily on a swing. This is interesting to me. It also represents a widely known holiday in the Mexican culture. The reason why the person could appear happy is because this holiday is somewhat celebrating the dead. It is a day for families and friends to pray for the people that have died. This makes me appreciate this piece and the holiday it represents because it is sorrowful but also makes people feel happy. I view this as a core value because I would like to be able to celebrate someone even though it is a sorrowful situation.

Art and the Good Life

This is an image of the Seated Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is merciful Buddhist saint. Buddha has always been viewed as a major part of the good life. Many want to achieve the enlightenment as a way to achieve the good life. Bodhisattva refrains from reaching enlightenment so others can. I view this as also reaching the good life. He has compassion and is appreciated by the people who eventually reach enlightenment. I appreciate the theme of enlightenment because it is not easy to reach it. This also relates to my understanding of the good life because we read about it Buddha in the story about Siddhartha's journey. He viewed the good life as reaching enlightenment as well.
Created By
Pariia Rabbanifard

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