KP WEEKLY And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

Happy New Years Kidspoint!

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday break and got some well deserved rest and family time! I am so thrilled at what God did in Stafford last month. We saw 778 people stand and declare their newfound faith in Jesus this Christmas and 48 were with us at Stafford!

Can we celebrate the fact that three kids accepted Jesus in their heart over Christmas services in Kidspoint! This is the vision of pointing kids to Jesus coming to fruition and I want to thank you all for showing up and letting God's light shine through you, and because of it, lives changed!

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Starting Monday, January 9th we as a church will begin a season of concentrated prayer and fasting. Pastor Daniel's vision for this time is to lay the foundation of what's to come in this New Year. We believe that those two combined creates the impetus for breakthroughs and immense blessing. We believe that we will see fruit of these three weeks for every campus over the entire year. Please take a moment to click on the website below to find out how to get involved.

Note: The meeting location for Stafford is changing, so be on the look out for an updated location!


January 8- New Years Celebration Sunday

January 15-Coaches Meeting after second service with Pastor Shawn

January 22- Group Connect

January 29- Volunteer Orientation

Heart & Soul,

Lauren Armstrong//Stafford Kidspoint Director

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