Agriculture Katelyn Buechler

First Agricultural Revolution

The first agricultural revolution started around 10,000 and 2,000 bc and it is now called the Neolithic Revolution. In the Neolithic Revolution humans discovered how to farm, store their food, make food sources more reliable, and live by their food. Humans discovered farming on accident. People accidentally spilt some seeds and then forgot about them and moved on following their food but when they came back the seeds had grown into plants. The ability to live by their food made their lives easier because they didn't have to follow their food and move all of their belongings every time their food changed location.

The early crops were barley, wheat, lentils and olives. There were various amounts of heaths around the world but the Neolithic Revolution started in what was known as the "Fertile Crescent".

Second Agricultural Revolution

The second agricultural revolution originated in Western Europe around the 1700's and 1800's and it is called the Industrial Revolution. In this time they started using machines to harvest their crops instead of human labor. The popular farming systems used were the plow, horse collar, and the seed drill which is a long way from the hunting and gathering that they used to do. The use of this technology increased production and efficiency.

Instead of harvesting their crops by hand they used plows to mitigate the task.

Third Agricultural Revolution

The third agricultural revolution occurred around the start of the 20th century today. Farming has changed a lot because of technologic and scientific innovations. Mechanization, chemical applications, and biotechnology have changed the way we farm immensely. Today we use tractors and more engine based farming utilities, which has reduced the number of laborers and increased land.

With the use of modern day machines and technologies it has made farming today seem elementary compared to way they used to farm.

Gentically Modified Organisms

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. GMO's are plants and animals alternated as a result of biotechnology. The positive side to GMO's is that they are more resistant to weeds, pests, and disease. They also sometimes have higher nutritional value. The negative side to GMO's is that they are mixing genes with different organisms and some GM foods are marked without labeling. GMO's change farming because it changes the way farmers conduct their operations and biotechnology companies have been able to access patents with which to restrict their use. As a result, the companies that make GMOs now have the power to sue farmers whose fields are contaminated with GMOs, even when it is the result of inevitable drift from neighboring fields.

Subsistence, Sustainable, and Commercial farming

Subsistence farming is when people only grow enough food to survive. Sustainable agriculture focuses more on the wellbeing of the environment. To protect the environment, public health, communities, and animal welfare, sustainable agriculture is the production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that do just that.

Fun Facts

  • There are 47 different breeds of sheep in the U.S.
  • Cows are herbivores, so they only have teeth on the bottom.
  • Bananas are the number one fruit crop in the world.
  • In 2012, U.S. farms and ranches spent $329 billion to produce $388 billion in goods.


Created with images by Monoar - "sunflower flower nature" • jayneandd - "Wheat" • Capt' Gorgeous - "The plough"

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