No Prescription Osvaldo Moran

"Easy Access"

The Internet changed the way we look at communication, it allows us to talk to others across the world without leaving out homes and engage with them behind an LED screen. It was only a matter of time before the drugs made their way into the internet. The number of Internet users has increased from 738 million in 2000 to 3.2 billion in 2015.

"Taking Precautions"

Surfing through the Dark web is a lot like driving through a bad neighborhood, you want to get in and out. Many users use encryption software, which will let you send your personal information in an encrypted format. covering your webcam with tape while browsing is a good precaution against hackers peaking back at you. Do your research to make sure you find a decent market (like The Silk Road Shut down by FBI October 2013, Silk Road 2.0 shut down by FBI and Europol on 6 November 2014, Silk Road 3.0 is currently online) that's not likely to scam you. Once you figure that out, search for tutorials on how to use it safely.

"Software for Hard Drugs"

Tor is the most popular system for anonymous web browsing especially when accessing the Dark Web, which is why it would wise to download it before buying anything on the Dark Web. If not installed hackers will be able to fill your laptop, desktop, or table with viruses or simply disable it.

"Currency 4 Chronic"

When buying anything sketchy, doggy, or in this case something illegal on the Internet, you'll need Bitcoins. They can be purchased at sites like LocalBitCoins and other resources like Reddit's /r/bitcoinmarkets to see more options and get the most out of your bitcoins. Tumbling ((mixing) your coins is a popular way to erase traces of your bitcoins coming from your activities) your coins so that they can't be traced back to you. Programs like Helix are commonly used to cover tracks.

"Next Door Dealer"

Sometime you don’t even have to gone onto the Dark Web to buy drugs. Most likely your neighbors kid is selling some A grade “Indica Chronic MMJ” or some of his parents prescription pills for easy money and all you do send your number and have some loose cash hanging around and “boom” you’ll be “Keefing” by the end of the night. But that’s weed and not cocaine so that’s where the Dark Web takes the crown of selling drugs.


One of the greatest benefits of buying drugs online is being sure you're getting a quality product. Customers leave review for vendors, letting you know whether the deal was good or they ripped you off. Despite the fact no one should be buying hard drugs, those doing so are a lot safer when they buy through Dark Net markets. Avoiding in-person interactions or a dealer that laces their products with something else more dangerous.


More than 11,750 respondents said they had purchased drugs online, both on conventional websites and on “darknet” sites like Silk Road that require encryption software to access. A quarter of those people said they first did so in 2014, more than any previous year. Almost three in four (74%) reported being sold a low quality product making the Darknet a hit or miss when buying drugs.

"Fake Names and Real Money"

The Dark Web has been pulling more than 100 million dollars a year, according to, and in 2012 the site doubled sellers and more than doubled sales in just six months, reaching $22 million in annual sales. The government has been trying to shut down the dark net for years but has failed to find any concrete evidence, because how good users hide their transactions and UPI addresses.

"Are We All Addicts?"

According to (, The rise in online buying of illegal drugs has gone up due to the growth of the internet and how accessible the internet has become to its users. Study has shown that as the internet has expanded throughout the years so has the distribution of illegal drugs starting from 1.6% of Americans in 2000 and increasing to 25.3% in 2014 .


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