The Good Life Performance Alice Rodriguez

The Spatial Experience: Going into the theater my first reaction was, "Oh my gosh I'm actually going inside!" Inside the theater my palms were sweating as I took in the atmosphere and the stage. I remember being in awe at how professional the stage looked and that they had actual props (something my high school productions usually lacked).
The Social Experience: I went with 3 other friends who I had just met this year actually. We all clicked pretty early on in the fall semester and now we're basically inseparable. Before the play we had dinner at The Swamp and then drove to the play together. It was nice having them there since we took pictures of each other and discussed the play afterwards. Also one of my friends actually knew one of the cast members so we got to meet the other cast members after the play, a little more informally. Going as a group allowed us to appreciate the play more. (Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures together.)

The Social Experience: I went with 3 other friends who I had just met this year actually. We all clicked pretty early on in the fall semester and now we're basically inseparable. Before the play we had dinner at The Swamp and then drove to the play together. It was nice having them there since we took pictures of each other and discussed the play afterwards. Also one of my friends actually knew one of the cast members so we got to meet the other cast members after the play, a little more informally. Going as a group allowed us to appreciate the play more. (Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures together.)

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience: Like the quote above mentions, this play made me realize that no matter what age we're in, the same fundamental problems continue to plague society. I was surprised that the play contained themes that are very current like abuse in the Catholic Church and forced labor. In the talk back, Michael Ortiz, the one who played Meyer, emphasized that forced labor still exists in our world today. In China, India, Malaysia, and many other countries workers are abused or forced to work long hours for almost no pay. Child Labor is also included in this and it happens in the United States as well. So this play highlighted features of humanity that are widespread across all cultures.
The Emotional Experience: By the end of this play, I was torn between tears of happiness and tears of sadness. I was happy because the performance was incredible. The actors really poured their hearts out for the show and as an audience member you could feel that. On the other hand, I was sad because the themes of the play brought to light how cruel humans can be and also how ignorant. It made me feel guilty for buying clothes and not even stopping to wonder at how it was made and who made it. Also the hypocrisy in the Grand Seminary. Whenever I thought of the Catholic Church I would think words like saint, white, clean, and holy. But this play revealed the underbelly of both the Church and the human condition. That there is darkness, deception, and injustice everywhere and within ourselves. So it was truly an unforgettable experience that inspired me to question myself more and my every day life more because that's where most of the injustice goes unnoticed, in a simple pair of boots.

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