
The Importance of Feet and Friends Lindsay Cavanagh

As I'm sitting on third floor of McGurrin, it has become apparent that I am on the "nursing floor." As a Counseling major, I feel completely out of place as these people share their stories about clinical and the horrors of some patients. One girl even went on a tangent about how gross feet are. Not only do I disagree with this statement, but this week especially, I have realized how important our feet are.

On Friday night, I was so hype. I was going to Skyzone! For $5, I got a ticket, a t-shirt and socks. And I was going with a good group of friends. So when Friday finally rolled around, I couldn't wait to get on the bus and go jumping.

We got there at around 8:50 and then by 9, started jumping. At 9:10, I already was out of breath. Was I too old for this? In that moment, no, but at around 10:30, that answer soon changed. From 9:10-10:20, I took 2 breaks, played dodgeball, did a couple flips into the foam pit, dunked on the shortest basket and jumped like a mad man.

By 10:25, I noticed a couple of my friends standing by the edge of the main trampoline part. When I walked over, my friend Austin told me to attempt this obstacle course. There was a hurdle between the first and second trampoline bed, a block to land on after the second bed, another trampoline bed and another hurdle. The objective? One bounce per object from the start, over the hurdle, onto the block, over the second hurdle and repeat that to get back to the start. Seems easy enough, right? To no success, I got all the way to the second hurdle and fell on my knees. Instead of stopping right there like I probably should've, I watched most of my friends fail just like me and decided to do the course again. This time, with a little too much courage than the first try, I was determined to perfect the second hurdle. Once I leaped over it, my feet weren't coordinated with my body and my left foot landed first with a twist, causing me to lose feeling in that part of my body. I got up quick to get off the trampoline part, using my right foot because my left felt like it was constantly being tazed and collapsed on my friend Laura, who was the first person I saw.

This led to a trip to Urgent Care the next day, an X-ray, a new boot and my nightmare since I walked on this campus: crutches. Luckily, my friend Mya has a car so her and my other friend Juliet were helping me through the day and eventually the week, becoming my moms. They attended to my needs and would walk with me to class just so I got there on time and safely. They dedicated time out of their stressful lives to make sure I was okay.

Me and "my moms." Juliet is on the left, Mya is the middle and I'm on the right.

This week has taught me a lot. For one thing, feet are so underappreciated. They carry the weight of our bodies and instead of thanking them, we tend to discuss how gross they are. I never realized how much my feet did for me until I had to use crutches and was so out of breath.

Another thing I learned is that I have been fortunate enough to have so many concerned and helpful friends. This week could've gone a lot worse if I didn't have this loving community of people offer to carry my backpack, take the elevator with me or ask me how I'm doing. Two of my friends even carried me into my room the night of the incident!

Some of the people who have made this week easier

So, try to be nice to everyone you meet. Kindness goes a long way. Never be ashamed to depend on people, especially in times of need. You never know when you're going to take the wrong step (pun intended) and need someone to put you back on the right foot (double whammie). Crutches are not fun and leave rashes and bruises on your armpits but hey, at least your arms will get bigger. And most importantly, love your feet! They do so much for you. They really are great.


Created with images by vait_mcright - "team motivation teamwork" • Pezibear - "trampoline person human"

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