2016 Tamer MeMos Memorable moments

2016 for Tamer has been quite a year. Here are some of the notable moments.

January 30th

Tamer tries to purchase a croissant sandwich to celebrate National Croissant day, but what he ends up ordering is some other bread on his sandwich. Not a very Happy National Croissant Day....

Baby it's cold outside:

In short sleeves on a cold windy day in the South bay, Tamer fashions a bag to keep him warm.

Sleepy time: tired Tamer gets some rest eye.
That's not how you computer: Tamer seems to be a bit confused about how to view his screen.
Helium virgin: Tamer inhales helium for the first time to sound like a chipmunk.


Tamer shoots a look to kill at panda.

Some animals DGAF. Dinky is one of them, and he enjoys DGAFing Tamer.
Here again using Tamer as a platform to walk on.
New friends: Roy and Jeana had a baby puppy girl that we got to know.
Merowwww nekkid at the beach!
"Visiting San Francisco"
Har har har.
Ding Tai Fung for Xiao Long Bao!


Come on in, 2017!


Created with images by nidan - "fireworks sky party"

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