Barrier Reef Alexis Webster & Lydia DeWeese

a coral reef running parallel to the shore but separated from it by a channel of deep water

Great Barrier Reef

  • Largest living thing in the world and can be seen from outer space!
  • 10% of the worlds total fish species can be found within the Great Barrier Reef
  • Thought to be about 20,000,000 years old
  • The size of 70 million football fields
  • 2 million people travel to Australia a year to visit the Great Barrier Reef



Created with images by Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "The Great Barrier Reef - 129" • neverunprepared - "gbreef_amo_2011221_lrg" • Paul from - "Great Barrier Reef, Eddy Reef off Mission Beach" • Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "The Great Barrier Reef - 187" • Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "The Great Barrier Reef - 117" • Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "The Great Barrier Reef - 114"

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