Renewable Moeha

Renewable can be used repeatedly.

wind: (-)People worry about the birds and bats that may be injured by wind turbines, noise and ugly sight.

Hydropower: (-) Dams affect water patterns and the amount of flow in rivers. Wildlife and natural resources are also affected as a result.

Solar:(-) The 1st generation of solar panels is toxic and hard to recycle.

Biomass: (-) Biomass can pollute the air when it is burned, thought not as much as fossil fuels.

Geothermal: It can be resources. Because it's inside of earth.


Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "pinwheel energy wind power" • whynotwind - "Rawlins2" • davebloggs007 - "Seebee Dam Alberta Canada" • atimedia - "solar cells technology energy" • recyclind - "wood biomass trunks" • Bill Ward's Brickpile - "Mývatn Geothermal 19"

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