Underground Railroad Jasmine shafer and kira hooper

What is the Underground Rail-round?

The Underground Railroad was a path that led slaves to freedom that they created in the early-to-mid 19th century they created this path so slaves wouldn’t get caught so easily when they escaped.

  • Who were some of the people who were apart of the underground rail-round?
  • Samuel Burris
  • William Still
  • Thomas Garret
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Harriet Tubman

How were slaves treated in the early-to-mid 19th century?

Even if a slave was disobedient in any way or form they got mistreated worse then you could imagine.

Why did slaves want to escape in the first place?

Slaves wanted to escape because they were being so mistreated and they hated their master but they had to respect them but they had no respect for them at all. They got tired of being beaten half way to death so they got tired of it

Slaves escaping

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