The Beauty of Art Glenda Gomero

Audrey Flack, Islandia, Goddess of the Healing Waters

Medium of the Art: Medium of art is very important in order to feel emotion toward different works of art. I really enjoy sculptures and that is just my personal preference. This sculpture was very interesting because it stood tall and was bright. It communicated to me the beauty of the sculpture and she was portrayed as a goddess. The artwork made me feel somewhat empowered.

Design of the Museum: There were several different exhibits that used the design of the museum to their advantage. There was always space in the museum to walk and enjoy the experience. My favorite part of the museum that best utilized the space and design around then was the Asian exhibit. This exhibit had its own garden that could be seen through a big window and could also be explored. This was very interesting and relaxing. The lighting of the asian exhbit is what made the exhibit interesting as well because the natural sunlight shined upon the different works that there were.

Art & Core Values: I had a great amount of interest in this exhibit because I am Hispanic and so I found this interesting because it is related to my roots. Specifically, there was a Frida Kahlo exhibit that made me feel very connected because it did relate to my background. Frida Kahlo expressed herself through art and broke many boundaries because of it. I believe that she was an inspiration and it is amazing to see that she is Hispanic. While walking in this exhibit I felt a sense of pride because I could personally relate to the works of art around me.

Art & the Good Life: This work of art was very important to me and what I imagine as the good life. This is important because it is about women being treated equally. I believe that this is extremely important because even now, that we are so advanced as a society, women and men are not considered total equals. I believe that this is ridiculous and so women must continue to fight until they receive the rights that are considered human. This makes me feel that there are other women out there that are also looking to be treated fairly. This symbolizes the good life because we are all equal and that adds to the good life instead of being treated as less than what you are.

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