The Shadow Throne By EthAn whitE


Roden - Tobias - Mott - Jaron - Imogen


The book started out in the castle when Jaron was recovering from the pirates. Then it went to other countries and in abunch if different types of places. It took place along time ago but they never said a surtain time.


Jaron is the king of Carthya, and war has come. He sent out solders and some of his best men to fight. He sent Mott to go and fight, but Jaron and Mott have a strong connection so if somthing happens Jaron will take it into his own hands to save him. Carthya has some allies but more enemy's. When Mott gets captured my Vargon Jaron goes to save him. He brings along Tobias but they both get captured to. While there getting captured Mott manages to escape. He goes back to the castle and they make a big plan to save Tobias and Jaron. There plan works and while they are running out of the Vargons fort Imogen gets shot by an arrow. The rest of the group had to keep running though. Jaron works with other people I'm the castle to raid abunch of camp and win the war. At the end you learn that Roden is the son of Vargon but luckily they didn't work with him that much. Jaron ends up still be king and everything goes back to normal. Except for theres no Imogen that Jaron had fallen in love with.


I really injoyed this book. It was great seeing the series come to an end. The characters stayed great throughout the series. The fight between the countries were great and it was nice seeing Carthya get there revenge.


If you enjoyed the first or second book of this series then you would love this book. The characters stay the same and they all act the same. It's sad seeing seem people die but it makes the series way better. I would recommend you try this book.

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