All about me!! By: Jordan Richards


My Hero is Martin Luther King junior. The reason why is because he made america great by allowing different colored people in to america. If it was not for him and all the other people who supported this problem then america would not be a amazing place. It would be a place where only white people get to live fair lives. Not anyone else. Which I thought was very unfair.

My Career

The career that I want is a programmer. The reason why is because I think it would be cool to design websites for companies and get paid for it. Some of the classes I have to take to reach my goal of becoming a programmer is to take a lot of classes about computers and coding. So I can learn more about the electronics I am going to work with.

Fun Activities

One of my favorite activities is playing catch with my dad. It could either be catch with a baseball or a football.

Another activity I like to do when I am bored is jumping on my trampoline. I enjoy doing front flips and attempting back flips. I usually jump on the trampoline with my sister and we take turns doing front flips.

Stuff i'm proud of

One thing I am proud of is building a website out of code. I made it about art pieces that I created in Photoshop.

I am also proud of building a trampoline for me and my sister. I built it with my dads help and my sisters.

Something else I'm proud of is helping my dad build a fire place. We used stone bricks we got from Home Depot.

The last thing I am proud of is helping my dad build his work bench. We used wood from our backyard and he wields and builds things on his workbench.

Favorite food

My favorite food is pizza because you can have anything on it and it can still be good.


Created with images by Jason Riedy - "Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial" • Pexels - "code code editor coding" • cindydangerjones - "baseball field baseball gravel" • Hans - "trampoline sports equipment sport" • nigelpepper - "Code" • Hans - "trampoline sports equipment sport" • davebloggs007 - "Campfire time" • 1lenore - "Tool rack" • yaybiscuits123 - "Pizza"

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