Technology By Quinn Patterson

Wooden Box Project

This was the fourth project that we did in the year and it is the one that I remember the most. We each got a piece of paper with specific instructions about how long each piece of wood should be. The purpose of this project was to get us used to cutting pieces of wood to specific lengths.

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Project

Marshmallow and Spaghetti Project. This was the first project that we did and it was definitely the most fun. The objective of the project was to build a small tower out of only dry pieces of spaghetti and marshmallows.


The birdhouse was the last project that we did in the quarter. I was partnered with Sam and Anthony. This one was pretty annoying because of the vague directions.


Created with images by - "JB-Systems-LED-Diamond_1" • kjarrett - "Spaghetti & Marshmallow Engineering"

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