My passion The baseball

My passion is the baseball. I started this sport when I was 5 years old And now I am a fan of this sport. Next year, I will go to the pals (the pals is a secondary school where we play baseball) and I'm so exited!

My best trip ever

This summer, I went to Toronto. My family and me visited the Toronto city and we went watch a baseball game. Also, we slept at 2 different hotel. So, this trip was my favourite one

So now, i will present you my family (we are five)

This is my little sister. Her name is Léa-Jeanne and she is in kindergarten she is 6 years old.

This is my other little sister her name is Lauriane and she is in 3rd grade. She is 9 years old

This is my mother she is working at v-neo and her name is Julie. She has 40 years old

And finally, this is father. He is photograph and his name is Frederic. He is 41 years old

And finally, this is me. I am 11 years old and I'm in grade 6th

Now, I will present you my favorite animal. It's the dog. As you can see, this is my dog. It's a montagne des Pyrénées croisé labrador. he is 6 months

And this is my other dog. But this one, is just a Labrador. She is 13 years old.

Thank you for your attention!!


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