Unusual findings. -mitch

At 9;00, the day before Valentine's Day I use to do a ritual. It was a sweet ritual, you can join in with me on this if you would like. My mother use to do this with me when I kid, I loved it. Always, on February 13, at 9;00 we would always start the ritual when I was a young one. Maybe around 7-11 this ritual went on. We would light a candle in my room and set it on the corner of my nightstand. After that, I would kiss my dominate hand, (aka my right hand.)
You would have to kiss you dominate hand 3xs. Because ya' know, 3rd time is a charm. ;) After that my mother would give me a small piece of pink paper; after that I was told to write a poem. She left the room after that, typically I would write silly or love letter poems since I was a kid and Valentine's Day was coming up.
Whenever you're done writing your poem, you would fold it in half and put it under your pillow. After that, you go to sleep and you wait until the morning. Morning time comes, and I wake up. When you wake up, look under your pillow.
You will notice though that your candle has been recently blown out. Which is normal, but anyway you should look under your pillow. To notice that your poem is gone, and is replaced with sweets and goods. I'd always get chocolate. I always knew that it was my mom who did this, but I liked it. It was fun and made feel like I could magic. But secretly I knew, it was my mom taking my poems and giving me chocolate under my pillow.
Created By
Michelle Sorensen


Created with images by johntrainor - "Votive candles at Notre Dame" • 1la - "valentine's chocolate #1" • Pauljh - "Pink Sky" • Hans - "pillow seat cushions sofa" • pellaea - "Chocolate truffles"

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