Lord Cornwallis By: Haley Wensel & Zydarius

"Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis styled Viscount Brome between 1753 and 1762 and known as The Earl Cornwallis between 1762 and 1792, was a British Army officer and colonial administrator."

Born: December 31, 1738

Died: October 5, 1805

Battle of Yorktown: He decided to march north to Virginia in April 1781. His troops carried raids throughout the state, almost capturing governor Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson fled on horseback before getting captured. So because of this George Washington set up a “trap” and made it s they were trapped in Yorktown. So on October 9, the Americans and the French began a tremendous bombardment. British supplies began running low, without supplies, on October 19, surrendered, he had lost the Battle of Yorktown.

Site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cornwallis,_1st_Marquess_Cornwallis


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