Alaska The furthest place from home

Alaska the place you want to be to be alone. There are many national parks and ton of wildlife in it. it is a place where if you die your body will never be found. Like this hut you will be in total isolation.
Anchorage is the closest place and it is 140 miles from where any major hospitals or any major architectural structures. Only the special people can survive a few days in total isolation. I am afraid to say that everyone who goes in never comes back out.

Alaska the place you want to be to be alone. There are many national parks and ton of wildlife in it. it is a place where if you die your body will never be found.

Even tho this total isolation has many negatives this place where you are planning to venture into is simply magnificent. It is extremely hard not to love what you see. If you want to visit Alaska maybe come but come with friends and stay in a little village if you want to survive.
There are many recreational activities down here in Fairbanks you don't want to miss this opportunity of a life time.


Created with images by NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "VISIONS: Seeing the Aurora in a New Light" • Cecil Sanders - "Snowed In Cabin" • vl8189 - "Crack in the ice" • Ross Fowler - "untitled image" • kla4067 - "Tanana River, Alaska"

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