Tour of the Florida Museum of Natural History Eric Goreschak

I found the butterfly exhibit extremely fascinating because it was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was completely immersed in a world of beautiful creatures that seemed to float around. I found this picture especially fascinating, because i would not expect in the slightest for butterflies to feed on bananas.
This hall had a big impact on me as I was walking through it, because it shows some of the beautiful species that we are likely to lose if we do not change the way we live and consume. It instilled a sense of responsibility in me, that we owe it to these majestic creatures to sustain the environment better.
Although seemingly simple, the timeline in the Florida Museum of Natural History really helped me put the lifespan of Earth into perspective. I truly cannot comprehend how long life has existed, and humans are just the smallest chapter of the Earth's story. This epiphany really helped my appreciate the mystery and majesty of the world we are so lucky to live in.
All of my favorite pictures did not have me in them, so here is a picture of me in the butterfly exhibit to prove i visited the FLMNH

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