Books and painting: then and now Alba Andia Corrales Riaux HONORATA GUZOWSKA


LEVEL: high A2 level in the first class of Non-compulsory Secondary Education

CENTER: ICT Private School Cristo Rey, Jaén, Spain

PUPILS: 26 pupils, 14 girls, 12 boys from which one student has a visual impairment

TEMPORALIZATION: 3 sessions of 55 minutes + exam on the fourth session


This didactic unit is based on the Real Decreto 1105/2014, established on 26th of December (BOE, number 3 of 3rd of January of 2015) which states that the students of first class of bachillerato need to recognise, in more or less detail, and know how to use correctly on the comprehension of the text: the sociocultural and sociolingüistical aspects related with everyday situations, or at least, more frequent situations on the personal, public, academic and laboral field. Among other ones, the socio-economic structures, the interpersonal relationships, hierarchy, community behaviour (position, facial expressions, use of the voice, visual contact, intention, etc) and social conventions (attitudes, values, taboos, etc).

Moreover, the law wants them to recognise the vocabulary of the common oral life, the specific one and the one related with the personal interests, the public, academic and laboral world vocabulary, and finally, the expressions and idioms.

We have created this didacting unit and its activities expecting to catch the students' attention and achieve this law´s evaluation criteria. We want our students to compare and learn about how the modern world influences ourselves and everything around us, in the case of this didactic unit, books and painting.


This didactic unit is designed for the students with high A2 level of English from the first class of Non-compulsory Secondary Education attending the private school Cristo Rey in Jaen which is a ICT center. There are 26 students in the class, among whom 12 are boys and 14 are girls. There is one student with visual impairment, who will be provided with the specific material appropriate to his English level and individual needs required. Aside from the student with vision impairment we have also prepared additional activities for fast-finishers and low-learners who may be done at class or at home.

Attention to diversity:

There is one student in the class who has visual impairment. The student will be provided with the materials adapted to his needs, such as paper sheets with a special print more readable for him, he will also be seated in the front of the class to be closer to the teacher and use his help if needed.


This didactic unit is going to be carried through the period of 2 weeks. The classes take place twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday, one class per day which consists of one session of 55 minutes. There are three sessions introducing the topic and one final session when there will be conducted an exam to sum up the information gathered throughout this didactic unit and testing the students’ knowledge.

Materials and resources:

blackboard, computers and projector

worksheets and books

mobile phones and internet


to learn fixed phrases to be able to express opinions and conduct a short discussion with other students

to recognize prepositions such as ‘in, at, on’ to help student express the relation with time and place

to distinguish and use comparative adjectives to be able to describe and compare two things such as photographs

to understand and use forms and structures of Simple Past tense to be able to describe actions and events from the past

to learn and create adverbial phrases to make descriptions of places

to expand vocabulary about books and painting to develop student's knowledge and better understanding of culture and to make them aware of the changes in the world around us and its influence on us.


Phrases to express opinions: It seems to me that.., from my point of view.., etc.

Prepositions “in, at, on”: at home, in the morning, etc.

Comparative adjectives: This photo is brighter than the other.

Affirmative sentences in Simple Past tense: My mother cooked lasagne for dinner.

Vocabulary: spray painting, texting, performance

Key competences:

Linguistic communication - students use English to work on such written as oral activities in paris or individually

Mathematical competence and key competences in science and technology - students are provided with the activities where they have to apply some mathematical calculations or they have to relate to their knowledge from technology to conduct some of the tasks given by teacher

Digital competence - students use computers, programs, tablets etc. as a help to look for information, to use dictionaries, etc. to do activities provided by teacher or to prepare projects to be presented later on

Learning to learn competence - student learns how to make conclusions, create their opinions and express them about the given topics

Social and civic competences - students work in pairs or teams to develop on topics provided by teacher

Initiative and entrepreneurship - students are encouraged to work on their own to develop different skills needed to finish the activities given by teacher

Cultural expressions and artistic awareness - students are provided with the activities that will develop their cultural awareness on the topics chosen by teacher

Evaluation criteria:

Whether students know how to use fixed phrases to express opinions and conduct discussions.

Whether students know how to use prepositions of place and time.

Whether students know how to use comparative adjectives to compare two things

Whether students know how to use Simple past tense to express events from the past.

Whether students know the vocabulary expanding their knowledge and understanding of culture.

Standards of teaching:

1. The student knows how to use fixed phrases to express opinions and conduct discussions.

2. The student knows how to use prepositions of place and time.

3. The student knows how to use comparative adjectives to describe and compare two things such as photographs

4. The student knows how to use Simple past tense to express events from the past.

5. The student knows the vocabulary expanding their knowledge and understanding of culture.

Session 1 "Role of books"
Session 2 "Painting"
Session 3 "Graffiti & Street Art"
Final session: EXAM

worksheet exam

Contents of A2 of the british council:

Videos used:

Documentation of visual impairment:

CEBRIÁN, M.D. (2003). Glosario de discapacidad visual. Madrid: Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles

Ruiz Ortega, Ana (2010). ¿Cómo trabajar con un alumno con deficiencia visual? Nº 35 - OCTUBRE DE 2010 - ISSN 1988-6047 DEP. LEGAL: GR 2922/2007


Created with images by Darren Foreman - "Graffiti"

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